Kim Kardashian broke her silence Wednesday, acknowledging Kanye West’s latest bipolar episode and calling for “empathy and compassion,” after he launched a barrage of erratic tweets Tuesday night making increasingly wild allegations about her and her reality TV family.

The deleted tweets included his insistence that he’s been wanting to divorce Kardashian because she may have gotten too friendly with fellow rapper Meek Mill.

West, 43, also claimed that Kardashian, 39, and his mother-in-law, Kris Jenner, have been trying to have him committed and have been releasing statements to the media without his permission. West, tweeting from his ranch in Wyoming, said their attempt to assert power over him was “white supremacy” and referred to Jenner as “Kris Jong-Un,” making the term a top trending topic on Twitter overnight.

On Wednesday morning, Kardashian used Instagram Story to try to make the case that her husband’s “words sometimes do not align with his intentions.”  She said she had been reluctant to speak out about her husband’s bipolar disorder, out of respect for his privacy and because she wants to protect their four children.

Kardashian also said that she and her family, like many families of people with mental illness, are “powerless” unless the person with the illness wants to get help.

“Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand,” Kardashian wrote.

Kardashian acknowledged that West’s actions can cause “strong opinions and emotions.” She described him as a “brilliant and complicated person,” and an “artist and a Black man” who has had to deal with the death of his mother and the “pressure and isolation” of his fame and career, which are heightened by his bipolar disorder.

Prior to Kardashian’s statement, she and her family had remained publicly silent. That has been their M.O. throughout the billionaire rapper’s latest mental health crisis — even after West’s off-the-rails speech in South Carolina Sunday for his supposed 2020 presidential campaign.

During the speech, West made false and offensive claims about abolitionist Harriet Tubman never freeing any slaves and further outraged social media by tearfully revealing that he and Kardashian had contemplated aborting their now 7-year-old daughter, North West.

While the Kardashians were publicly silent, the reality TV family appeared to be having people on their behalf release anonymous statements to TMZ, People and other outlets saying the family is genuinely concerned about West’s welfare and actively trying to seek help.

For example, “a source” told People magazine that Kardashian “has been trying to get Kanye help for weeks.”

“But what do you do when a person doesn’t want help?” said the source, insisting that the Kardashians “love Kanye.”

“They are all trying to figure out how to help Kanye,” the source told People. “They are in contact with medical professionals for guidance.”

Such anonymous statements appeared to be annoying West. Others said the statements were aggravating in additional ways: They allowed the “Keeping Up WIth the Kardashians” family to keep their distance, geographically and otherwise, from West’s more outrageous actions and tweets.

“While it isn’t the Kardashian-Jenner family’s responsibility to police West’s actions, their absence during his more concerning public episodes does raise questions about where their interests lie,” Daily Beast writers Marlow Stern and Brooke Leigh Howard argued in a column this week.

“This is, after all, a family with a rich history of mining tragedy for reality TV spectacle,” Stern and Howard continued. “Is it all about protecting The Brand at all costs, no matter the stakes, no matter the consequences? And generating premium, cringeworthy #content for their reality TV show?”

West’s unhinged campaign appearance Sunday incited widespread concerns that he was having a breakdown because of a bipolar disorder that he’s acknowledged struggling with in the past. The rapper’s recent behavior has drawn comparisons to his actions just before he was hospitalized in 2016, reported.

West has been staying at his secluded ranch outside Cody, Wyoming. Among the tweets he hasn’t deleted are those promoting his new album, “Donda,” which he said he’s releasing on Friday. The fact that he’s releasing a new album also raises questions about whether his attention-grabbing behavior is part of an effort to generate sales for his music.

On Tuesday night, West suggested he might suspend his misguided presidential campaign to 2024 in a tweet that showed what appeared to be a tracklist for the album, which is named for his late mother. Later Tuesday, West referred to himself as “the future president.”

West first claimed that Kardashian and the rest of the her reality TV family were trying to have him committed in a series of tweets Monday night. The following day, West seemed to have calmed down while appearing in a somewhat awkward video with comedian Dave Chappelle. West said Chappelle flew to Wyoming to lend moral support.

In suggesting that Kardashian cheated on him, West referred to her meeting with Meek Mill at “the Warldolf (sic) Hotel.”

Kardashian has worked with Meek Mill, whose real name Robert Rihmeek Williams, since 2019 after Meek Mill co-founded the Reform Alliance with activist Van Jones, Metro reported. Kardashian and Meek Mill also both spoke at the the inaugural Criminal Justice Reform Summit in Los Angeles in November 2018, which was held at the Jeremy Hotel.

In another deleted tweet, West said that he nonetheless respects Meek Mill, while accusing his wife of being “out of line” and not behaving as a wife should.

“Meek is my man and was respectful,” West continued in a series of tweets. “That’s my dog. Kim was out of line. I’m worth 5 billion dollars and more than that through Christ. But y’all ain’t listen to MJ and now ya’ll believe them??? Kriss and Kim put out a statement without my approval … that’s not what wife should do. White supremacy.”

In their column, Stern and Howard speculated on how Kardashian and her mother could use West’s apparent breakdown as content for upcoming episodes of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”

“Clips of a crying West will be spliced with concerned phone calls between Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian West, shot well after the rally, with the two expressing concern, assessing their options, and hustling for sympathy points (for them, not West),” Stern and Howard wrote. “How can anyone suffering be helped when the cameras won’t ever stop rolling?”