KATY – One Katy family turned their backyard pool into the ultimate quarantine family video production. With an iPhone, props, fog machine and wireless mics, the family decided to recreate the popular Disney Jungle Cruise. The YouTube video is called Disney’s Jungle Cruise: Quarantine Style.”

Linsey Stuckey said her mother introduced the idea of creating a cute quarantine video with her family, which includes husband Clint and four energetic children. While she originally didn’t they could pull if off. As quarantine continued, she said she realized it could be a fun activity they could do together.

The family began to brainstorm ideas for the video they could make.

“I’m thinking about what props do we have because all of the stores are closed. What could we actually buy and do? Well, we have a swimming pool and my daughter Haley got this $20 boat for her birthday, and I thought, ‘We should do Jungle Cruise!’” Linsey said.

And with the theme selected, the family project started. 13-year-old Hayley, 11-year-old Colin, 8-year-old Sydney and 5-year-old Keaton all had roles. Even their grandmother, Janna O’Laughli, whom the children call Grammy Jay, also had responsibilities.

"I was the technical advisor," O'Laughlin laughed.

The whole team was determined to make this project happen. Hayley and Sydney were passengers on the boat, Colin was the tour guide and skipper and Keaton was the Trader Sam who surprises the guests on the tour.

“We thought, ‘We can’t just put a camera in [the kids’] faces. There needs to be a script,'” Clint said.

Linsey worked on putting together a script and storyboard with the children, while Clint worked on getting the right equipment for shooting.

“We used a little handheld Gimball... put the iPhone in it, to stabilize the video,” Clint said.

Linsey also ordered props on Amazon including plastic snakes, inflatable elephants, and a fog machine. The Stuckeys said since they are not traveling, there was room in their budget to have some fun at home. The family even made props using their pool skimmer and fake vines.

“We shot a little bit in the evening and before and after work,” Clint Stuckey said.

The video shoot took four days.

However, the children said this was time well spent.

“I just think it’s fun that I get to express myself,” Colin said.

“I can’t believe we all did that,” Hayley said.

The Stuckeys said they hope the video makes people smile. It has since been viewed hundreds of times. They said the process was a memorable way to teach their children the benefits of working hard towards a goal.

“Now they’re seeing the end result of what happens when you sit in a boat and listen to mommy on saying your lines,” Linsey said.

The family said they may produce another video, which would be a blooper reel.